IJMMA Call for Manuscripts

Call for Manuscripts
(International Journal of Management and Marketing Academy)
(ISSN): 2048-8807
URL: www.ijmma.org.uk
Contact and Submissions: editor@ijmma.org.uk
Dear Researcher,
The International Journal of Management and Marketing Academy (IJMMA) is a double blind-refereed monthly and open-access journal that publishes empirical, conceptual and review papers of exceptional quality that contribute to and enrich Business, Management and Social Sciences thinking and practices.
Emphasis is given to papers that address controversial topics and which have a sound theoretical base and/or practical applications. All papers submitted should be original contributions and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
We have listed the topics that fall under the very scope of the journal for the ease of our authors:
Research Areas:
- Research Papers: These may be qualitative or quantitative, empirical or theoretical in nature and can discuss completed research findings or work in progress.
- Case Studies: Case studies are welcomed illustrating management and/or marketing related research methods in practice.
- View Points: View points are less academically rigorous articles usually in areas of controversy which will fuel some interesting debate.
- Conference Reports and Book Reviews: Anyone who attends a conference or reads a book that they feel contributes to the area of management and/or marketing Research Methods is encouraged to submit a review for publication.
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Leadership in Higher Education, Online Retailing, (E)Branding, Retail Management, Consumer Behavior, Online Shopping, Information Systems (IS) strategy, Knowledge Management, e-Government, Human Resource Management, Strategic Management, Trade, International Businesses, Marketing Strategies, Sales Management, Advertising, Financial Economics, Business Development, Sales Promotions, Investment, Portfolio Management, Product Development, Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Policy, Public Administration, Business Laws, Total Quality Management, Consumer Behavior, Organizational Behavior and Theory, Risk Management, Project Management, Supply Chain Management, Operations Management, Management Information System, Education, Business Studies, Journalism, Marketing Management, Marketing Research in Online Environments, Virtual Experience • Digital Products, Online consumption motivations and flow, Trust towards online shopping, (E)Loyalty, (e)CRM and personalization, Virtual brand communities and social media marketing.
Those wishing to make a submission should:
- Transmit one copy of the paper (in MS Word), another copy without authors’ names, by e-mail to the Editor at editor@ijmma.org.uk
- Submissions should not be longer than 8,000 words including abstract, keywords and references.
- Submissions are welcomed at any time.
- An issue of the journal is published once there are at least four accepted papers.
- We will be recruiting papers till 25th of every month.
- Full paper submission: No later than Dec 30th, 2014
- Notification of acceptance: No later than Jan 28th, 2015
- Revisions: Due by Feb 28th, 2015
- Final acceptance notification: March, 20th, 2015
- Camera ready version of paper: March 30th, 2015
- Publication: April 15th, 2015
Kindly submit us your manuscripts by attaching them into e-mails and send to editor@ijmma.org.uk
We normally take three weeks for getting an article reviewed.
Notes for Intending Authors:
We are seeking original manuscripts on conceptual and methodological issues related to qualitative and quantitative research on e-marketing and online consumer behaviour. Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Author guidelines can be found clicking here
The International Journal of Management and Marketing Academy (IJMMA) is double blind-refereed monthly and open-access journal that publishes empirical. Kindly submit us your manuscripts by attaching them into e-mails and send to editor@ijmma.org.uk
Before submitting the articles, you need to make sure that you have gone through our “Submission Guide”
To download the Camera-Ready file (download here)
Prof. Charles Dennis
Professor of Marketing and Retailing and Director of Research
Lincoln Business School
University of Lincoln Brayford Pool Lincoln
United Kingdom
Dr. Talal Almaghrabi., MBA, PhD, MCIM, AHEA
Chairman of Saudi-British Marketing and Management Association (SBMMA)
Guest Lecturer
London – Jeddah
United Kingdom – Saudi Arabia
Dr. Raed Algharabat., Marketing PhD
Assistant Professor of Marketing, Retailing, E-retailing, E-shopping,
Shopping Malls, and Virtual Shopping Malls.
Marketing Department Faculty of Business
The University Of Jordan
Amman 11942
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