IJMMA Proofreading

IJMMA Proofreading


Proof-Reading-Service provides professional proofreading services, exclusively for students, professionals and businesses. Our proofreader will be a professional editor with plenty of experience of proofreading, specialising in essays, dissertations, PhD theses, journal papers and PowerPoint presentations. Your document is proofread using the “track changes” function, which is a standard feature installed in most versions of Microsoft Word. This function allows you to move easily between changes and accept any or all modifications proposed by the proofreader. Corrections, suggestions and comments are shown in the right-hand margin and are easy to accept into your document. Our proofreader will NOT do any writing for any students; it is only for proofreading your own work.

For more information, or to send your research, academic papers, thesis or dissertation, please email Mr. Mike Donald (MarCom Academic Proofreaders): write2services@gmail.com