The Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are established to represent a community that is relevant to SBMMA aims. Individual SIGs strengthen the intellectual component and are responsible for developing the objectives of the SBMMA within a defined area of studies related academics and organizations. SBMMA SIGs frequently establish both interdisciplinary international orientations and encourage collaborative links with other relevant professional groups in UK and Saudi Arabia. SBMMA is able to foster support for emerging areas of research and members gain opportunities to cross boundaries, develop new contacts, share ideas and expand research communities. We therefore think that active engagement with the SIGs is key to getting the most out of your group.
SIGs take the lead in managing the programme at the annual SBMMA conference by hosting tracks, participation in the Doctoral Symposium and holding special meetings. They are also responsible for organizing separate events and workshops throughout the year which help to raise awareness of SBMMA more widely in UK and Saudi Arabia.
Through reporting and disseminating the latest thinking, SBMMA SIGs seek to develop the level of knowledge and clarity of understanding applied to a broad cross-section of activities whilst generating future themes of inquiry collaborative research projects that can then be easily transformed to consultation and practical template applications for businesses and policy makers.
- Act as a forum to shape the debate around contemporary issues, where issues, ideas and research can be discussed and disseminated.
- To present the latest research and business practice.
- To facilitate the exchange of ideas and develop new knowledge.
- To bring together specialists across various disciplines.
- To provide opportunity for students, academic researchers, managers and policy makers to present their ideas and develop their knowledge.
- To help to develop and set down priority themes for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers.
- To create an avenue for publications, workshop, training, symposium, and future conferences.
- To enable networking.
SIGs provide regular information about their activities to the wider membership via the Newsletter and website with each SIG having its own section within the site. Some have disseminated the outputs of SIG related research in special issues of peer reviewed IJMMA journal.
All SBMMA members are entitled to free membership of any SIGs; this means by joining SBMMA, members gain access to a unique set of networks. Thus, get involved and Share your Knowledge.