Benefits of membership:
From doctoral students to academics, professionals and organizations, Saudi British Marketing and Management Association (SBMMA) provides a wide range of services, speeches, special interest research groups, consultations and networking opportunities for people at all stages.
Also offered is a reduced rate to SBMMA annual conference, receive regular news on presentations, meeting, news, conference calls for your papers, and notices of forthcoming special issues to keep you in the know.
SBMMA Career Development:
Through members, SBMMA year-round Training and development activities incorporate the expertise of leading professionals and academics, providing the best possible platform for you to develop your business and academic research techniques.
SBMMA offers an excellent forum for new research clusters or groupings, as well as the advancement of more established groupings.
Networking opportunities:
A great meeting place via SBMMA Special Interest Research Groups or at the Annual Conference, SBMMA is a great way to get to know leading directors and organizations, the journal authors and key experts and academics in your field, as well as improving your visibility and standing within the business and academic community.
Get involved with SBMMA:
Driven by the Special Interest Research Groups and as a part of the representation offered by SBMMA, new and longstanding members of the professional and academic community can “take an active role” in a wide variety of business and academic issues ranging from developing and improving policy change to new research directions. Members have the opportunity to get involved in the activities that drive SBMMA forward such as standing for honorary executive board, Special Interest Group activities, Social Responsibility initiative and chairing a Track at the Conference.
Annual Conference:
The Annual Conference provides the opportunity to present your research, business case study, either complete or in its development stages, and to receive feedback from peers and senior professionals and academics in a personal and inclusive environment.
As part of your membership package you will receive online access and subscriptions to the International Journal of Marketing and Management Academy (IJMMA) providing you with the latest thinking in business, marketing and management.